
{ "width":800, "height":400 }



DRAG the elements into the workarea. Connect the elements in this order, Point yellow (IN) to Point White(Out)


Electronic circuit digital simulation uses mathematical models wroten in javascript in order to obten the same behavior of an actual electronic device or circuit. This simulation software is Copyright by Kazuhiko Arase(2014), modificated by Hugo Guerra, Licensed under the MIT license :

System Requirements Web browser that supports HTML5. This is an invaluable analysis which allows for modeling of digital circuit on line. This digital simulators is based on Verilog technologies.


DC : Direct current is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Direct current is produced by sources such as batteries, power supplies,solar cells, or dynamos.

Push Off : it is momentary switch normally in conduction, when you push the button, the conduccion is cut.

Push On : it is the oppossite of Push Off

Toggle : it is switch.