This project already has several years, it is simple of making and of few and cheap components.
Years ago I wanted to create a community interconnected to internet free of payment.
I had two forms of establishing the communication. One among computers in a wireless way for RF, and to another for laser.
This circuit was tested with 386DX 486DX to two meters, establishing a communication of 19200 bits/s.
IC1 7812
D1 LED 5mm
C1 100uFx25V
R1 1,5M
R2,R3 220 ohm
R4 330
JP1 @ PC Conector 25pin-serial
JP2 @ Laser 5mw
JP3 @ IR 3mm
JP4 @ 12V
JP1 PC (Serial 25 pins)
1 ============= 7 (Ground)
2 <============ 2
3 ============> 3
You feel free for copying it, but don't forget the author. Hugo Guerra Gronerth
If you want all parts for this circuit, email me For US$49 + shipping cost, i can send the parts or US$79 +shipping cost I can Send 2 module Trans/Recep