

1. You can see my first mini watch transmitter homebrew

I used 6 cells (of 1,5volts) as battery for my transmitter (93,32Mhz). The white cilinder is the battery

The propose of my creation is not spying mission.

Why i used 93,32Mhz, well, i wanted to tunning in 75Mhz, but, i made a mistake with the inductor. You can see it, in the center of the imagen. I think i need to make 5 lines instead of 3 lines.

I will be able to transmit to 4 meters.

The original schematic is from http://www.boondog.com/tutorials/rfTransmitter/rfTransmitter.htm

Instead the original transitor 2N2222, i used PN2222 (plastic) because it is cheaper and smaller than the other.